do everything in love

Corinthians 16:14
Kingdom Of God Ministries International

10360 Royal Palm Blvd
Coral Springs, FL 33065

About Us

Kingdom of God Ministries, International is a nondenominational, multicultural church that teaches the life-changing, powerful message of victorious living through faith in God's Word.  In short, we exist to show people just like you how to live the God-kind of life.  At Kingdom of God Ministries, you will experience a community of relationships, support and motivation.  Though we have only been in existance since 2009, we are really just one close functioning family!  We have a variety of activities and ministries, for all age groups and interests, where people can connect and discover friends and support within our church.  We believe that church should be an extension of your own family. We believe that involvement in a local church is vital.  KOGMI will provide you with opportunity to learn, grow, and experience what life was design to be through God.




Visitation Teams

Seed Time Harvest


Angels Unaware

Ladies Ministry

Ladies Fellowship

"Sister need a Sister"

Ladies Conference

Men's Ministry

Book Discussions

"So U Say U the Man"

Men's Conference

Marriage Ministry

Building Christian Families

Couples Enrichment Conference

Marriage Counseling

Singles Ministry

Book Discussions


Singles Conference

upcoming events

Paypal Donate Here


KOGMI Live Stream

meetings  /  events  /  worship

To watch our saved streams

click below :

Archived Streams

Bishop and Wife

Our Ministry purpose exists to glorify God in uniting the body of Christ, that we may be filled with the knowledge of His Will, His Word and Purpose for our lives.Our purpose is  to win souls for God's Kingdom. To minister to the total man; his mind, body and soul. Our mission is to biblically renew the mind, physically feed the body and spiritually empower the soul, which all fitly joined together, will build the Kingdom of God. Our mission will exalt the Savior by providing a climate for worship which includes prayer, preaching, bible study, music, testimonies, offering and fellowship.


Kingdom Of God Ministries Int'l
10360 Royal Palm Blvd
Coral Springs, FL 33065

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